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tv   [untitled]    December 30, 2012 1:00pm-1:30pm EST

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tonight the moscow plane crash claims another fake tallaght five people have died after the passenger jet they were on slammed into a busy highway after overshooting the runway three survivors remain in critical condition. and eye witness describes to r.t. how he helped rescue a wounded woman from that crushed airliner as he drove past the accident scene. i did i look at the week's other main news stories president putin science it's a lot bad on americans adopting russian children but it's dividing public opinion here in russia even though the authorities insisted saying that the flawed adoption system in the u.s. . and egypt's new constitution which sparked weeks of protests is officially
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adopted matters are far from settled with opposition leaders now under investigation for allegedly plotting to topple the islamist president. hello there very good evening she joins us just after ten pm now here in moscow my name's kevin already you're watching around for the big stories of the last seven days here on r.t. in such a sad story to start five people have now died as a result of the plane crash yesterday when the passenger jet overshot the runway at one of russia's busiest airports one of the wounded flight attendants died of her injuries in hospital earlier today the total of two or four airliner crashed through a fence into the side of a major highway breaking into three parts as it did all eight people on board the
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crewmembers and this crash and ten kilometers from the. the center we've got video here taken by a motorist dashboard camera which captures the very moment of impact. the world for those on the highway at the time a hugely lucky escape but med student which clearly left the shop the driver can be heard on the video breathing deeply that he tries to pull over following on from what they all just witnessed my colleague carrie johnson talked to a witness who stopped his car and got out to help the injured including the flight attendant who since died in hospital he explained to us how he found and shared some of the dramatic video that he shot. her with i was the first to get there i saw the flight attendant asking for help to get the other flight attendant out so we had to go inside the plane me and a few other volunteers. we followed the blood trail looking for her and finally
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found her further down the cabin we care if you're out and try to get through to the highway she had some very bad thing and head injuries and both the legs were broken her eyes were hurting from the jet fuel that had come out she was in a really bad shape but still conscious about it did she say nothing at all. she kept saying that your eyes and legs were hurting and i was asking to be put on the ground she was in a shock and disoriented so there were only four or five people who volunteered to help together with me others were too scared to go near the planes as the engine was on fire and they couldn't put it out for twenty minutes so we were the only ones to give some help well as we mentioned the crash is no claimed the lives of five people are on board the other three a stone in critical condition now investigators are trying to fathom why the top left for careered off the runway is a relatively new type of aircraft which had never before been involved in a deadly crash. lines how the tragedy happened step by step. the twenty
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ninth of december the last working day of two thousand and twelve in russia four pm business is closed all business forgotten until the next year but i'm always friends employees jump into their cars and escape the busy capital he's got highway heads to the west a region where most of the luxury states and country houses are located traffic jams a common with a song with a day and this time of the year with want to lock the road is almost empty. passengers come out of the car to see what the sound was think back to see anything but not this. just minutes before that and similar to all for what number ninety six i think is
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when the little i've told you the first at times it's unsuccessful the plane makes a wrong over the airport and begins to send in for a second time when they sign the plane touches down but can stall the experience true as that moment most likely knows already they will not make it the jets reaches the end of the runway runs into the fans but still continues moving it finally stops after overrunning the asteroid by four hundred meters the plane breaks into three parts and tail is lying over the whole year the road people can easily see its number or a stick for four seven the middle ball just bog misses away the cockpit already partially damaged after the crash with a science falls right at the edge of the highway it's a miracle indeed the road is empty at that time this is a ten lane highway the wreckage is only on one of the lanes for traffic continues on at least three here even after the tragedy there is fashion by slowing down to
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see what happened in those days and left lane called street lights on the road is a very road they usually drive every friday and everybody sings as that moment was eve eyes have come minutes earlier or was eve i have been on that airplane people come out of their cars and try to help out those in the cockpit how ready the. weather conditions technical failure and pilot error are among the investigators main causes of the incident was most likely a combination of reasons behind a fatal crash however a plane hitting a. easy highway in one of europe's biggest cities could have left a much more devastating trail of destruction. there wasn't enough logged for everyone on that saturday evening. party moscow region.
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pictures no eyewitness accounts from the scene on our website we can also find out more about the plane itself it's all that r.t. dot com. and for me is day the adoption of russian children by u.s. citizens will no longer be possible after president putin signed the measure into law as a tit for tat response to america's sanctions against russian officials which it sees as human rights violators as more on the diplomatic spat. you have to understand that the law this so-called dental magnitsky law actually deals primarily a with imposing travel and financial strictures on the number of american officials and persons who have committed crimes against russian citizens and only part of the law actually bans the adoption of russian children a by american citizens it has been in part inspired by the case of a russian toddler who was adopted by the american family in two thousand and nine and died in their custody several months later after his father left him in
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a locked in the car in the blistering heat for nine hours the russian lawmakers feel that the american law system does not provide adequate adequate protection for the russian kids and also does not punish those responsible for the deaths of russian kids for example do you think of his father adoptive father walked away with a fine aside from this new law russian lawmakers are also pledging to improve the lives of the orphans and also improve foster care situation in russia but this new particular law is seen as a response to the so-called magnitsky act which was adopted in the united states just a couple of weeks ago. which entails a list of russian officials whom the united states believed to be involved in the case. a russian lawyer who was charged with tax evasion put in for livery confinement and then died while in custody now sergei magnitsky family friends and several few unwise organizations believe the charges against him used
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the word trumped up and that he died in custody from. these two acts are seen as the latest developments in the ongoing a tit for tat split diplomatic battle which seems to be going on despite the a reset button pushed several years ago russian studies in history professor steven cohen from new york and princeton university says he's never been under any illusions of self about russia u.s. relations. there's an old russian saying we're friends are also deeds a lot of people in moscow and in washington when they pass the magnitsky act and now the ban on adoption in moscow may have thought they were just talking showing off playing grandstanding politically as we say in america but these words have consequences they have bet they feel all this new cold war atmosphere which is enveloping the relationship between our two countries it's going to affect american relations with russia regarding afghanistan regarding missile defense regarding
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syria regarding iran these are very serious matters but bamma has continued the policy toward moscow begun by president clinton a democrat and continued by president bush a republican that policy is advancing nato toward russia's borders building missile defense on russia's borders interfering in russia's interim politics most recently the street demonstrations this is the same policy that began twenty years ago with the soviet union. iran's rolling out the big guns in the persian gulf right now to run into takes massive navy in the city strait of hormuz to show the world what it's called if trouble comes calling and talk about that in a few minutes and more from the week old as well this europe's money medico round which sold big bailouts savage cuts and countries on the edges the way. he just president morsi has made an attempt to ease political tensions in the
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country calling on the opposition to engage in dialogue but his offer was met with skepticism since it came shortly after the launch of an investigation into his three top opponents the chief prosecutor citing allegations that opposition leaders including nobel prize winner mohamed el baradei incites of their supporters to topple morsi but it this week it was announced a divisive new constitution was approved by a sixty percent of egyptians in the two stage referendum the opposition though claims the islamist draft to die. committed slime sheria lord only got a yes vote because of fraud we'll clerks of world affairs contributor for britain's guardian newspaper he explained to us why morsi doesn't feel secure even after winning that referendum. i think he wants to sort of deflect attention from the economy because the underlying problem plate the biggest we're facing egypt is the economic crisis one in four egyptians are without jobs poverty is on the rise he just ended subsidies on fuel which means that the prices of gas and chitra city are going to rocket and so this is a kind of a sort of smokescreen for him and he was very keen to get the opposition tied up in
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the legal challenges to it to sort of stop them from focusing on opposing him on the issues where he's he's very weak and i think also he'd be worried that you know a sizable minority thirty six over thirty six percent of people voted against the constitution and the fact seems to be that that he said is on the way. and i think that obviously you know i think we can see more protests in the new year more the big news stories that made the headlines for us in the last seven days right after this break. if you're from my generation or younger and you were born into the one percent that i have a lot of college debt i sure do you know the deal used to be that you paid a significant amount for education but in turn that gave you
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a much higher salary later but now the system works in reverse many young americans studied very hard to not make any money at all around nine percent of americans with student loans have defaulted and at least nine but maybe up to eighteen percent are ninety days late with their payments given the situation the people at u.c. berkeley were nice enough to give away a million dollars in scholarships for everyone everyone that's an illegal immigrant yeah that's right if you're born in america then pay till you die but jump the border and enjoy the red carpet education treatment the people who will be getting the scholarships are mostly the children of illegal immigrants who spent many of their formative years in america and yeah i could see the logic that could be hard for them to get an education when the when they aren't citizens but they came into the country illegally it isn't taxpayers jobs to help them but wait berkeley it's a private institution so i guess they can give out the money to whoever they want whenever they want however they want but berkeley management if you're watching this i would really appreciate if you chose some financial mercy to american
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citizens it isn't like they don't need the help but that's just my opinion. you know sometimes you see a story and it seems so silly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom parker is a big fish. something . law is beneath. thousands of meters of ice broke. the law. that is
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a for many. but dangerous even to those who keep it to a distance. it's easy to. meet. again there's a we can use of you and i'll take gun sales in the us have rocketed after president obama pledged to ban certain types of automatic weapons in the wake of the sandy
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hook massacre he's going to check out now on the panic buying public getting on well i still can't. about two weeks ago actually on this particular wall here. we are is four rows down four rows across. with everything going on in politics right now with the possible ban and everything everyone is flooding in. purchasing right away gun stores all across the u.s. are reporting record sales just two weeks after the tragic shooting at the elementary school in newtown americans are scrambling to buy the same type of weapon that adam lanza used in the connecticut shooting plus high capacity magazines and a lot of them panic buying trigger it out of fear that the white house is out to ban the weapons but this time the words need to lead to action no a r fifteen for this customer all sold out at the store while prices on line have gone through the
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rules have been going for a thousand and fifteen hundred dollars to twenty five hundred three thousand dollars even in some cases it's just the most amazing gun buying spree i've ever seen so many gun retailers now quite cynically refer to feed ministrations ben talk as the obama gun stimulus that's how good it's been for their business so how do you go from a president with a tough gun control agenda to someone gun dealers call the greatest gun salesman in america manufacturers of semi-automatic rifles report that their market has grown thirty percent over the last four years states like north carolina iowa you have seen a one hundred percent increase in gun sales over the same period in the wake of the tragedy in newtown one of the country's biggest ammunition suppliers said they sold more than three years worth of magazines in just three days although president obama himself has so far failed to act on his pledge to ban assault weapons his
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words have certainly provoked action just not the type you may have wanted or someone they say is against her. going to great job for us. really should be a third term in order to sell even more weapons many dealers hype up the gun apocalypse scenario for the baby and there will be more government over but we really need to start not only you start. but many of them don't actually see any drastic changes happening any time soon after all any significant gun control measures and up in the past ultimately clashed with the second amendment of the constitution and were subsequently scrapped. tilley will genia i'm going to check out. for some american communities gun violence is part of everyday life and i will see later this hour again itself and to the colors being worn we should decide who becomes a victim. like the
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decades since he used costs from society into the. violent us history. colors matching the national slant they are made in america on the. program continues after this news update at the end of the year iran's play marred by massive naval drills held in the strait of hormuz one of the world's biggest oil shipping routes was shipped submarines and jet fighters are taking part with the aim of proving to rounds well equipped to defend its maritime borders the move has come as the west builds a pressure of iran's nuclear program piling on sanctions against the country want a few months ago that it could block the strait but its naval commanders say that's not on the agenda now the first is sad mohammad marandi from tehran university
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explain to us why the iranians don't think there's a danger of a military confrontation in the near future. in the sense that western countries are brutal and civilized enough to carry out an attack i think that that's clear to run into the fact that western countries are imposing sanctions on an embargo and on iran they're trying to prevent iran from even importing and exporting medicine and food stuff by blocking the central bank and there are shortages of some medicines right now in iran and people have died so the fact that western countries are willing to kill ordinary people and to make people suffer i think makes it clear that the idea of carrying out an attack on iran is something that they would contemplate if they could but i think on the other hand the iranians believe that western countries are much weaker today than they ever were before the defeat in iraq and afghanistan the setbacks in. that israel had in lebanon in gaza make
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as well the economic crisis in europe in north america make it highly unlikely but the iranians have prepared themselves and i think that it has been it took deterrent to war so the i think in general the iranians feel that a military assault on iran aggression would be highly unlikely so today's world news headlines a brief now and gunfire during a government process is what the iraqi city of ramadi is left to people wounded bodyguards for the iraqi deputy prime minister of the shots several ports say he was hit in the face as he gave a speech during the rally there's been more than a week of protests that you've seen silly little protest against what they see is second class treatment from the shia led government. body of the indian student who was gang raped on a bus is now being cremated in new delhi earlier hundreds held peaceful candlelight vigils in the capital after the twenty three year old died from a injuries in a singapore hospital terror attacks but days of riots with protesters demanding more protection for women in the country six suspects are currently being held at
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those so they could face the death penalty if convicted. egypt's. the shipment of construction materials to enter gaza from its territory it's the first easing of restrictions since two thousand and seven since the militant group hamas came to power in gaza egypt has been following israel's import blockade palestinian officials say israel is also promising that other building materials will be allowed to gaza to nearly seventy percent of the on claims commercial needs of currently routed through israel. just a couple of days before america plunges off the much talked about fiscal cliff the still no deal inside between the firmly entrenched republicans and democrats millions of americans stand to see their taxes go up dramatically on new year's day but the sticking point holding up negotiations are the rates for the rich but republicans are rejecting any deal that would see those taxes rise or the democrats insist the wealthy good a little more investment advisor patrick young told us the u.s. is heading towards further recession than if it can't spend. i'm really worried
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going into twenty thirteen i mean ultimately the great thing is that humankind will survive and we will all remain the same people but the problem we have is first of all america seems to be heading suicidally towards this thing the fiscal cliff the possibility that it may enter another leg or recession or possibly even depression as a result of legislators inability to hurt their house but of spending like footballers' wives and then on the other side of the atlantic we also have this problem the european union is getting to the point where it seems to think it's soldiers problems solving your problems means that twenty five percent of the workforce of several countries are out of work fifty plus percent of the youth of say somewhere like spain or out of work that really frightens me. so the use new you will see more of the same of the two in several countries frustrations turn to violence on a few occasions during the last year as citizens became increasingly angry at paying the price for the blunders of their governments and banks here's how artie's
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news teams remember europe's year of money misery. it came to the point where if you walked into the studio you knew there was going to be a story about europe and austerity and protests and riots whether it would be spain or greece or even the u.k. and these were real people in real situations in very scary situations and our correspondents were out there in the midst of it all. so waiting with all cecille still it's over some type of square and i just see the come around behind the camera everybody else around me putting just months on as i did a few for moscow during fisi. before i can say anything you get that horrible taste
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in your mouth and of course it's the tear gas that's become so synonymous with these demonstrations in greece along with the firing of molotov cocktails and clashes with the police the producers like to see their correspondents in the middle of a crowd which is great but then the crowd are shouting the correspondents try to speak out everyone's very loud you can't hear anything that makes for good television. it's an incredible event covering it is pretty exciting you've got political elements you use yellow is the news on the court force you've got the tragic human stories of people who are driven to desperation and pushed onto the streets to protest what they see is their livelihoods just the way over to pay back these months of. people to think it's about spain's crippling unemployment figures especially amongst the young about the cost to the states the study says and then you really get a sense of just how angry how desperate people take we get the bill in the book that's doing to the country and to us it's not in the middle of one of these big protest movements when the clashes break out.
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another year on the record more news should be just of a thirty minute turn out to be for the reveal more of the deadly gun wars in the city of angels is coming up after this commercial. the legacy no one should be proud keeps of scrap metal littering pristine arctic landscape building stilton over their foundation pipes spewing black smoke over the snow covered peaks the traces of the soviet industrial activity on the spitzbergen archipelago don't make a pretty picture if the guiding principle here is the worse the better locals like to tell the story about back in soviet times when norwegians were visiting barons were they also expressed amazement. at how prosperous this stuff was
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well times have obviously a change when they saw it lags they still attracting a region tourists are barons work i would then cons much needed cash that's why when business bad they're ruining our goal is common as was uncovered here a few days ago instead of throwing it away the local administration decided to paint a venue and put it at variance work century where that can do nine hundred eighty s. daryn's work was a burgeoning mining community though the soviet union was determined to maintain its own costs. located halfway between north america and western europe this busy bergen archipelago is part of norway but the special status that allows other countries to set up industrial bases here in the middle of the cold war it served as the use of stars westernmost outpost now it's one of the soviet union slask preserved relics used to be very strange is essentially
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a picture of what would have happened to the soviet union. it was cut off from any financial support for two decades it's a curious site for western tourists and i think it could be even more appealing for russian travelers to keep its presence on spitsbergen russia still maintaining a coal mine here but in terms of profit is far behind local shops. are a bill it is a big hit the defunct are incurred still helps keep the money flowing guys it's a rough few years but you can buy. your local administration is increasingly under pressure to bring the infrastructure up to more than standards these modernization efforts are not very popular with tourists if you come into a very authentic place like. it should stay the way it is that would be my wish i mean that's the part of the let you know authentic tradition here. i should not i
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would not like to have it in a shiny condition to be honest this time to change even for the better is not always good for business something that even a local band has become attuned to when they try to add the morning russian songs to the repertoire of the audience called the wanted to hear it was a song comfortably familiar. good laboratory kirby was able to build on. which all unfortunately doesn't give a darn about anything to mission to teach creation why it should care about humans in. this.


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